Saturday, July 15, 2006

Is Your Dog Ready for Summer?

By Randy Jones and Brent Jones
Summer is almost here and if you haven't already done so, you should make sure your dog is ready for another season out of doors. Most pet owners spend a good deal of time outside during the Spring and Summer months, taking their pets along to share in the fun, but also exposing them to fleas, ticks, and other animals that can be carriers of rabies and other diseases.

Every dog should be permanently protected from distemper, infectious hepatitis, and leptospirosis. These vaccines are now generally combined in one single inoculation. From the age of 6 months, all dogs should also be protected from rabies. Most vaccines are effective for one year, although the latest rabies shot is good for four. They are almost 100 percent effective when administered on schedule, but worthless if exposure to risk is maintained after the protection has expired.

After your initial visit, you will normally need to take your dog to the vet only once a year to keep his immunization up to date. During this annual visit, ask him to give your dog a through examination, including checkup of his:

-teeth (removing tartar if necessary)
-anal glands (emptying them if necessary)
-nails (clipping them if necessary)
-stool (if you think he may have worms)

Females need more regular attention than males, especially if they are bred. When you wish to travel with your dog, you will be prepared for any state, federal, or international requirement if you ask your vet for a certificate of good health, and make sure that his vaccinations are in order before you leave. Normally, a sound dog needs no more veterinary attention than this. However, you may take him to the vet on other occasions due to accidents or illness.

As you get to know your dog, you will be able to distinguish between passing symptoms of no importance, chronic minor disorders, and the indications of disease and infection. Among the symptoms that warrant a visit to the vet are:

-A temperature over 102 degrees, or under 100 that lasts for more than 24 hours, or a temperature as high as 104, or as low as 99
-Acute pain for which there is no logical explanation.
-Bloody urine
-Blood in the stool more than once
-A discharge of yellow mucus from the eyes or nose
-Persistent vomiting, coughing, or refusal to ear for more than 24 hours
-If your dog simply looks and acts really sick

A visit to the vet will at least ease your anxiety, if only because the vet can judge better than you whether or not there are allied symptoms that would indicate a more serious illness. Have a great summer!

Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed On the site, customers can read articles about anything pets as well as shop for the latest dog clothes, dog collars, dog carriers and more for their best friend. Feel free to check out the site at

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tips for Solving Dog Behavior Problems: Ditch the Tantrums

By Tim Lee
Dogs can sometimes be very unfriendly with the other dogs. They snap in the air, growl and bark a lot. These may sometimes indicate normal acts of defense to protect their owners and territory. Hence, one can surmise that they do not mean any harm.

However, there are times when such behavior becomes excessive and uncontrollable. At this point, your dogs can be very unruly and may even do more harm than good. What was once a pet may become a growling monster if not examined for any behavioural problems immediately.

Here is a list of some tips for solving your dog's behavior problems and make them live a normal, happy life.

1) Following the leader
Show the dog that you are the leader. Try not to confuse your dog. Teach him that you are the master and he has to obey.

When dog behavior problems take place, the dog becomes the master instead. The dog tends to project itself as the main boss of its environment. This has to stop, and your dog should know where he stands.

2) Go out and socialize
Expose your dogs and let them mingle with other dogs and people as this help them get rid of their insecurities, nervousness and make them learn how to socialize.

Like in humans, dog behavior problems indicate some psychological problems. There are some instances that dogs are just bored that is why they are behaving that way.

3) Too many puppy problems
As much as possible raise not more than 3 puppies at a time. They can be jealous. Imagine having a couple of siblings of same age, fighting over the same toy and getting the mother dog's and the owner's attention.

4) Abundant food equals healthy mind and body
This is common with stray dogs. Not having ample water, food and even sex in their environment affect their brains and way of thinking. They might also be eating dirty food and develop rabies. It is best to stay away from street dogs or better report it to the dog pound.

5) Training school
If your dogs are really stubborn and uncontrollable or you just want them professionally trained, you could enroll your dog in training schools.

6) Play and prepare
They should learn to play such as to run, jump, wrestle, chase, nip, be brave, use their mouth, and paw. A canine should learn all these because those are part of their normal behavior and in order to get them ready for the real world battle and hunting if ever they need to. Playing should also be done in moderation because too much of it could also add in the progress of aggression.

7) Fear me not
Dog's life experiences such as being attacked as a puppy or if they have seen two dogs fight also affects their behavior because dogs may develop anger, fear, and even imbalances in their hormones.

Their nerves could also be weak. A program called "slow desensitisation" or systematic reduction of their sensitivity is best performed with these dogs.

Since with this type of behavior the dog is not violent, it would help if they will be given reward and disregard the bad manners instead.

Dogs are always known as man best friend but sometimes, their behavior changes and become violent. In some ways, they are like humans too. They need love and care. Such bad behavior only becomes serious when they reach the age of more than 1 year up to 3 years. Therefore, before it starts to become serious, help them now

For the fastest and healthiest methods that transform your dog's behavior problems, please visit

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and Infestation

By Moses Chia
Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own.

The principal worm species with which dog owners have to contend are round worms and tape worms. The first named commonly infest puppies and consequently are most dreaded by breeders. In shape and size these worms resemble common angle worms, but in color are lighter, being almost white or only a pale pink.

In adult dogs these worms, when full grown, are from three to seven inches long. In puppies they are about half that length, and as thick as common white string. Round worms live in the small intestines, sometimes coiled in such masses as to obstruct the passage, and occasionally they wander into the stomach or are passed by the bowels.

It is easy to understand that when one dog in a kennel is infected with worms, millions of eggs will be passed with the feces. These are scattered all over the floors, bedding, feeding and drinking pans. They get on the dog's coat, are licked off and swallowed and in numbers of ways gain entrance to the digestive tracts of other dogs, where they soon hatch out and in ten days are fully developed.

This rapid development account for the popular belief that puppies are born with worms, for breeders who have held post-mortems on puppies scarcely ten days old and have found in their stomachs fully developed round worms could account for their presence in no other way. They overlooked the fact that the prospective mother, confined in a kennel infested with worms, would get these eggs attached to her coat, belly and breasts, and the young, as soon as born, would take these eggs into their stomachs with the first mouthfuls of milk.

Symptoms Of Dog Worms Attack

Dog worms are responsible for so much sickness and so many symptoms that it is practically impossible to mention all of them, but their presence can safely be suspected in all dogs which have not been recently treated for them, as well as in cases where the patient is run down, unthrifty and out of sorts.

Other symptoms are a hot, dry nose, weak, watery eyes, pale lips and gums, foul breath, mean hacking cough and a red, scurfy, pimply or irritated condition of the skin and harsh, dry, staring coat that is constantly being shed.

Wormy dogs sometimes have a depraved appetite and will eat dirt and rubbish. Some days they are ravenously hungry, the next day they will not eat at all; their sleep is disturbed by dreams and intestinal rumbling, the urine is high colored and frequently passed, bowels irregular, stomach easily unsettled, watery mucus is frequently vomited and the mouth is hot, sticky and full of ropy saliva.

Puppies which are full of worms bloat easily and are pot-bellied. After feeding their stomachs distend disproportionately to the amount of food consumed. Their bodies are also subject to scaly eruptions and their bowels to colicky pains; they do not grow as rapidly as healthy puppies should and instead of playing with each other they curl up and sleep hour after hour; they get thinner, weaker and more lifeless from day to day and if they do not waste away or die in fits and convulsions with frothing at the mouth and champing of the jaws, grow up coarse-jointed, rickety and misshapen. Puppies with worms are also liable to paralysis of their rear limbs and on removal of the worms the puppies regain control of the affected parts.

A wormy dog is usually an unhealthy and unhappy dog who leads a miserable life. It could even be deadly, especially so for young puppies. Bring your dog to a veterinarian if you are unsure. Your dog will certainly thank you for that.

Moses Chia is the webmaster of He provides more helpful information on dog obedience training, dog training book reviews and dog illness symptoms interpretation that you can learn in the comfort of your home on his website.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Yes, Your Dog Will Be Happier If You Use These Dog Grooming Tips

By Niall Cinneide
Most dogs handle their own grooming needs. But, you can offer a helping hand as necessary. If you do this, you will have many benefits to it. For example, it helps the two of you to bond. And, it allows for you to catch diseases or other health problems that can affect your pet. Can't get your dog to sit still long enough? Then, do a small portion of her each day. Eventually she will enjoy it and allow you to do it easily.

Dogs use licking, shaking and scratching to stay clean. If you brush them, you can help the fur to stay clean and unmated. Some dogs that have longer hair will require this attention daily. Others who have shorter hair can be brushed just once a week. Most dogs will enjoy the brushing. Others will not right off the bat. In order to help this process, use the brush in a small amount while talking soothingly to her. Afterwards, give her a treat for being good. Add a little more time on each time.

Dark specs on the skin can be fleas. In order to check for these types of problems, run your hands down here coat as you brush her. If you see quite a bit of black flecks, which are flea dropping, then you need to seek help for your animal right away. You may also notice rice like debris near her tail. These are a sign that the dog has worms. Again, you need to take your pet to the vet in this case as they will need treatment.

Just like you, your pet needs her teeth brushed daily. You can do this using a child sized toothbrush or just a finger toothbrush that is designed for your pet. The paste that you use should be one designed for dogs only. Your toothpaste can seriously make your dog ill. To help keep dog's teeth in tip top shape, give them rawhide chews to gnaw on. This helps keep teeth as well as gums healthy.

You'll need to do other types of grooming as well, but not as frequently. You should check ears and nails weekly or monthly. Look into your dog's ears. If you see small, black/brown specks, this can be ear mites. For nails, walks that are given on sidewalks as well as in the driveway can help to wear them down. Make sure, though, that the nails are not too long. You can learn from your vet the proper way to trim them to help the dog to stay healthy and to walk correctly. You should not trim them without getting some training though.

Best Pet Health Information brings you tips, news, recommendations and reviews of dog grooming and health products to keep you and your dog happy and healthy. Dog News Center publishes news and articles about dogs and puppies. . This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and live links are included intact.

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