Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dog Sunglasses - For Looks and Protection

By Trevor Mulholland
It may be hard for many people to understand, but a great number of individuals treat their pet dogs like a member of their family – like their child, even. It's no wonder then that they are pampered, feted, and treated like royalty. Celebrities like Paris Hilton and Venus Williams endow their dogs with lavish gifts, like designer clothing and gem-encrusted collars. Dog sunglasses are just one of the many things that many humans like to bestow upon these four-legged friends.

Dog sunglasses come in many shapes, sizes, and designs. The materials of which they are made run the gamut, too. The lenses are usually made of polycarbonate lenses, which are scratch- and shatter-resistant. The lenses on these dog sunglasses are also anti-fog – these would be helpful in making sure that the dog's vision is not compromised while wearing the glasses. The frames and straps can be made of plastic or nylon.

It may be perceived as a whim or a flight of fancy on the part of some dog owners to have their pets wear sunglasses for dogs, but in reality, these devices are very useful in protecting a dog's eyes. Just as humans are prone to eye diseases like photokeratitis, cataracts, and macular degeneration, so too are dogs.

Various breeds can suffer from a condition called "pannus," which is also known as chronic superficial keratitis or inflammation of the corneas. This can be caused by prolonged and repeated exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays – which hit the eyes of both human and animal whether the sun is shining high in the sky or whether the day is cloudy.

And it is not just ultraviolet radiation that can damage our four-legged friends' vision; sunglasses for dogs can help protect them from airborne debris and wind. Many people are wont to take their dogs along with them on their road travels – how many of us have ever seen a dog riding a motor vehicle with his head hanging out the window? -- or their vacations to the beach and other places where pets' eyes can get irritated by swirling dust, sand, and other substances. In such situations, sunglasses for dogs help ensure a more trouble-free playtime for Fido.

A number of companies are well-known for their dog sunglasses. One of these is Dog-Goes, which is based in Munich, Germany. This firm acknowledges that while a lot of customers buy their sunglasses for their high-end materials (such as chrome or gold frames) many others recognize the need for providing eye protection for their pets. Company co-owner Christian Blank avers that veterinarians are recommending such eye protection gear for their pets, especially if the dogs go outdoors most of the time.

Another company that specializes in eyewear for dogs is California-based Doggles. They are the creators of dog goggles, which are called, well, Doggles. Their products have been featured in mass media, notably in CNN and "People Magazine." Because they are goggles, they fit snugly on the area surrounding the eyes, preventing ultraviolet radiation, wind, and airborne irritants from entering the eye area from the top, bottom, and sides.

The right fit is ensured by two adjustable straps: one goes under the dog's chin and the other behind his head. Initially, the dog may find that the sunglasses take getting used to, but after a while, it will feel as if he has nothing on and will continue to act normally. The owner just needs to do everything he can to help the dog adjust to the sunglasses.

Another nice thing about dog sunglasses is that many models have interchangeable lens. All the owner has to do is remove the lens and pop in new ones as the situation warrants. There are lenses that are available for virtually every lighting condition: there are smoked lenses, clear lenses, and colored lenses. Of course, the owner may just choose the change the color of the lenses to go with the dog's outfit (many owners clothe their dogs, too!)

The prices of dog sunglasses can range anywhere from under $20 for basic models to upwards of $100 for lavishly designed ones and those made from expensive materials. There may be people who will scoff at such accessories and think that they are a total waste of money. But for dog lovers who only want the best for their pets and take their dogs' risks of eye disease or injury seriously enough, dog goggles are not only a wise choice, they are a necessity.

Sunglassology.com provides you with information on sunglasses, where to buy, which are crap and which are slick. From baseball sunglasses to dog sunglasses. http://www.sunglassology.com

Saturday, June 24, 2006

How Intelligent is Your Dog..

By Ryan Joseph
It is entirely normal to look for signs of intelligence in your dog. Even puppies that are not especially smart nonetheless display flashes of brilliance in their behavior.

And it is also very normal to look for the same things in our pets that we look for in our children, like a keen mind, a sense of humor and loyalty. But the trait that we tend to brag about the most is actually our dog's intelligence.

There is not really a single type of canine intelligence. According to Stanley Coren, writer of 'The Intelligence of Dogs', there are several types of dog intelligence that can be measured by canine IQ tests...

The first one is named Adaptive Intelligence. This relates to learning and problem solving capability, the knowledge and skills a dog can acquire. It also pertains to how much time it takes for your dog to learn new a relationship.

As an example, if your dog recognizes people after just one or two visits, this indicates a good adaptive intelligence capability. You might also look at how well your dog comprehends the laws of cause and effect by observation.

The next type is Instinctive Intelligence, which simply deals with behaviors and skills programmed into the animal's genetic code. For example, Sheep dogs and Border Collies are superb herding dogs. This is an innate abilty that these breeds of dogs have and has little to do with training.

The third type is Working/Obedience Intelligence, which involves the ability of an animal to follow commands. This type of intelligence is primarily dependant on the actual breed of the dog. Two examples are the dogs used for guiding the blind and for K9 police work.

Another type is Adaptive Intelligence. At a time of the day that you do not usually walk your dog, pick up your keys and his leash when you know he's watching. If he starts wagging his tail and gets excited, 3 points. If you have to walk to the door before he knows what's going on, two points. If he sits there with a dumbfounded look, give him one point.

Now if your dog lets YOU know it is time to go to the bathroom by bringing you his own leash (without being trained to) or has mastered the toilet, your dog is truly a genius!

One way to test your dog's problem solving ability is to take a sizeable towel (or a blanket will do fine as well) and toss it over your dog's head. If he frees himself from the covering in less than fifteen seconds, give him three points. If it takes fifteen to thirty seconds, two points. If it takes him longer than thirty seconds, give him or her a single point.

To check your dog's memory, Place some sort of treat under one of three buckets that are lined up in a row. And be sure that your dog sees which bucket the treat is under. Turn the dog away for about ten seconds or so and then let him go. If he or she goes straight to the bucket with the treat under it, three points. If it takes two tries to find the treat, two points. If he/she checks the wrong two first before finding the right one, one point.

Now if your dog scores six points or more, you have a canine genious; four to five points is average; three points or less, well…who said that intelligence was a prerequisite for love?

For additional information on dog wellness visit Dog Food and other Resources and learn more.

Ryan Joseph is a writer/researcher in Pet and General health issues. For more detail visit http://www.dog-food-nutrition.info/

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